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How 2B super U!

Ever wondered why it took so long? What do I mean by that question, well here’s the answer… In a world full of different personalities,...

Nature Heals

It is finally here! Happy Spring to you all! Is it the smell of fresh cut grass? Or is it feeling of dirt being tilled with your hands?...

Love UnSpoken

Ever had a first love that no one knew about? If anyone knew about this first love, what would they think? What type of first love am I...

The Question...of WHY

Ever wondered “WHY”? While on one of my usual journeys, I came across a man who was 77 years old. Did he look his age? Of course not! He...

The Village Within

What is a Village? A village is derived from a French term referring to a group of buildings or a small settlement usually found in a...


What is the sole purpose of this blog? For starters, welcome to the 1st entry and congratulations. Yes, congratulations. Congratulations...

Blog: Blog2
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